Owning a website is great but we all know that there’s an absurd amount of spammers out there who, for some reason, want to sell us all kinds of R-rated items. These emails are not only inappropriate but they are incredibly annoying to sort through. This week, I made a tutorial that shows how to add a contact form which actually is pretty good at blocking SPAM without even needing to use one of those CAPTCHA codes. However, if you do find that you are still getting some SPAM here and there, there’s a nice CAPTCHA built into the form tool and you can easily turn it on to block any other would-be spammers.
Table of contents:
Installing the plugin: 1:00
Setting Up the Form: 2:25
Adding and editing fields: 3:20
Adding the form to a page: 4:45
Recommended adjustments to settings: 5:30
Search “Fast Secure Contact Form” or download here: