Updated Website for a Local CATV Station with Cablecast.
- Prominent homepage placement for all productions
- New & Featured section with recent programs
- Live stream integration
- Video On-Demand catalogs
- Automatic schedule updates for all channels
- Utilized Cablecast’s WordPress plugin to import shows, live streams and schedules automatically
- Embedded donation and membership forms
- Optimized navigation and homepage layouts allowing visitors to easily find shows
- Incorporated a search bar giving the ability to search for channels, shows and individual episodes
Fully Responsive
Beautifully presented across all responsive devices
The North Andover Community Access and Media website is fully responsive across all devices. Users on mobile, tablet, desktop, or PC will have a smooth experience using the website.
Established in 2004, this independent, 501(c)(3) membership-based corporation manages production facilities for community access programming across different interest areas. North Andover Community Access and Media, Inc. has three programs: GovCAM, CAM-ED, and CAM Access. GovCAM broadcasts live municipal meetings and programs relating to government at the Municipal, State, and Federal levels. CAM-ED hosts bulletins and programming related to the North Andover Education System. CAM Access is a community station with religious programming, short films, interviews, concerts, parades, skits, forums, documentaries, poetry, and anything else the town members have chosen to produce. North Andover CAM has programming for everyone!
The old website did not directly integrate with Cablecast. All links for videos would take a user off of the website.
The new website was a major design and functionality upgrade. Channels and other episodes are easy to find and visitors do not need to leave the website to watch recent episodes and shows.
Class Schedules
Integration with Google Calendars.
North Andover Community Access and Media, Inc. hosts classes and workshops for community members interested in community access media. With their class schedule calendar, community members are able to sync events to Google Calendar, iCalendar, Outlook 365, and Outlook Live. This feature puts their calendar a step above others, as users don’t have to enter events into their personal calendars manually. The calendar also includes a search feature if a user is looking to find a specific event.
If you’re interested in building a new website for your business, view our web design projects in North Andover, MA to learn more!
CATV Website Tip: Including Powerful Search Functionality.
If you have on-demand content, a search functionality will allow website visitors to search for specific content they know they missed rather than scrolling through the on-demand content as a whole. Your on-demand content is likely robust, with many pages of shows for users to search through to find what they are looking for. Read more tips for designing your Community Access TV Website!