How Often should I Update my Website?

The easy answer: as often as possible! Whenever there is a change in your business – a new promotion, a new staff member, a mention […]

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Mobile Sites: a Primer

With the advent of the iPhone in 2007, smartphones have reached immense popularity. They have become a fixture in today’s society and practically instrumental to […]

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Blogging and SEO: They Go Hand in Hand

Blogging has been around since the mid-90s. It originally started as a “weblog”, a way to catalog what one views on the internet. Today it […]

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Which Colors Should You Choose When Building Your Website?

Life is lived in color. We associate colors with feelings, places, even things and times of the day. A website, though a functioning thing of business, […]

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Importance of Image Centered Content & Simplicity

We live in an age of image-centered content. The written word is losing its significance and being replaced by illustrations that put information in an […]

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Reporting with Google Analytics (2 of 2)

In our previous post, we talked about the nuts and bolts of Google Analytics; here we’re going to talk about what you can do with […]

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What is Google Analytics, and How Does It Work? 1 of 2

Web executives have many tools available to them to track the effectiveness of their websites, not the least of which is Google Analytics. This freemium […]

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Five Indicators That You Need a New Website

A website is the hub of all your marketing efforts for your business. Regardless of whether it is Google, Direct Mail, Social Media or anything […]

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What Is Market Retargeting?

Everyone has had that moment where an ad has popped up on their screen and thought “How did they know I was interested in that?” […]

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