We all spend masses of time and money to try to get people to look at our websites but many website owners fail to take the time to track the success of these efforts. Between social media, emailing, search engine optimization, and various other activities, it is likely that we could scale back in less effective areas and focus on the one that is generating the best results. With Google Analytics, you can see not only how many people are visiting your website, but also where they are coming from. For example, you may be spending the same amount of time on Twitter and Facebook but it is possible that one of the two is generating a significant amount more traffic. Knowing this, you can make the decision to move more towards Facebook with your time or possibly re-evaluate your Twitter strategy for better results. Either way, you need to be tracking your results to better manage your valuable time. Another example could be if you are running an ad with Buywithme or Groupon. With this tool, you will know exactly how much traffic your site is getting from them.
Other useful tools include:
- The ability to see what pages are more popular than others on your site. Are people more interested in one service than another or is the website built in a way that makes it more prominent than the others? With Google tracking you can make that judgement and be sure that your most profitable service is the one that gets the most views.
- Time on site. How long are they there?
- Compare date ranges
- Much more..
If you do are not familiar with Google Analytics, this is a walk through that will discuss all the features: